Aldous Huxley
ValedictoryI had remarked - how sharply one observes When life is disappearing round the curves... -
Samuel Beckett
1 DIEPPE again the last ebb the dead shingle the turning then the steps towards... -
Annabel Lee
Edgar Allan Poe
It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea, That... -
T. S. Eliot - The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
Thomas Stearns Eliot
Sio credesse chc mia risposta fosse A persona che mai tornasse al mondo, Questa Gamma staria... -
Eye´s Shadows
Remigiusz Grzela
I was running across the platform because I was mad. Because I was completely delirious.... -
Vita Nuova
Oscar Wilde
I stood by the unvintageable sea Till the wet waves drenched face and hair with spray;... -
Pejzaż irlandzki II
Gabriel Leon Kamiński
Irlandia od świtu obmywa twarz w deszczu. Ludzie zatopieni w strugach przekraczają świetlny szlaban zachodzącego słońca.... -
Oscar Wilde
To drift with every passion till my soul Is a stringed lute on which can winds... -
Oscar Wilde
Tread lightly, she is near Under the snow, Speak gently, she can hear The daisies grow.... -
Sonnet on Approaching Italy
Oscar Wilde
I reached the Alps: the soul within me burned, Italia, my Italia, at thy name:... -
Harvest Moon
Josephine Preston Peabody
Harvest Moon Over the twilight field, Over the glimmering field And bleeding furrows, with their sodden... -
"Ananke" (ang.)
Tadeusz Miciński
The stars have passed a judgement on me: - Endless is error and misery....
Do taksówki w Londynie wsiada skłócona para Polaków. Nie odzywają się.
Taksówkarz próbuje zagaić rozmowę. Angielski zna tylko mężczyzna.
T: Where are you from? - pyta faceta
M: I'm from Warsaw.
T: Oh - I know this city, I have been there last year. Wonderful city, beautiful girls. I have had there the best sex in my life! :-).
K: Co się pytał?
M: Pytał skąd jestem. Mówi, że był w Warszawie i mu się bardzo
T: Where is she from?
M: She's from Cracow.
T: Oh - I know this city, too. I have had the worst sex in my life
there! :-(((( Terrible :-((((((((
K: Co mówił?
M: Powiedział, że skądś Cię zna ;-)))
O mężu i żonie